Dec 30 Views (1193) Diablo III

The gold and real money auction house in Diablo3 is gone

Diablo3, which is the one of the most popular and ineresting game in the world .it has attracted millions of players all over the world.But recently we all got that there is a big change upon the Diablo3 game- The auction house system being removed from Diablo3,why is that?



As we diablo3 fans all know that the diablo3 gold and real money auction houses have provided a convenient and secure system for traing,but it's also become increasingly clear that despite the benefits they provide,they ultimately undermine Diablo's core gameplay.A big part of Diablo is the thrill of battling demons and finding epic loot.While buying epic loot in the auction houses might be more convenient,it doesn't feel anywhere near so heroic as plowing through a pack of fearsome-looking monsters and having them drop that one awesome item that seems like it was made for your character.

Since the news came out ,there are many confuse among the Diablo3 players
Q1.Will this change affect both the gold and real-money auction house?
A:Yes. We will be shutting down both the gold and the real-money auction houses.

Q2. When will the gold and real-money auction houses be removed from the game?
A:The gold and real-money auction houses will be shut down on Tuesday, March 18, 2014.

Q3.Are the gold and real-money auction houses shutting down at the same time?
A:Yes. The gold and real-money auction houses will be shut down at the same time.

Q4. Are the gold and real-money auction houses being removed for all gameplay regions?
A:Yes. The gold and real-money auction houses are being removed for all gameplay regions.

Q5.Why aren’t the auction houses being removed sooner?
A:Since the gold and real-money auction houses receive a regular amount of daily activity, we wanted to inform everyone of this upcoming change as soon as we made the decision and give as much advance notice as soon as possible. Also, removing the auction houses from the game is no small endeavor, and there are many technical and gameplay-related questions we still need to answer before this change is implemented.

Q6.Are there any plans to add the gold and real-money auction houses back into the game in the future?
A:No. We have no plans at this time to add either the gold or real-money auction house back into the game after they are removed.

Q7.How will I be able to trade with other players once the gold and real-money A:auction houses are shut down?
Once the gold and real-money auction houses have been shut down, players will still be able to trade with one another using the in-game Trade Window.

Q8.How will the removal of the gold and real-money auction house affect changes planned for itemization in Reaper of Souls, specifically "Loot 2.0"?
A:One of the main goals behind Loot 2.0, which is being developed concurrently with Reaper of Souls, is to make playing the game the most rewarding path to getting items. That goal has not changed with this decision, and in fact was one of the big inspirations behind the removal of the auction houses. We’re still moving forward with all the changes previously revealed as part of Loot 2.0, but we’re also looking at additional improvements we can make that will help ensure that the loot hunt and trading experience in Diablo3 is as satisfying as possible.

There is only less then 3 month we diablo3 fans will say goodbye to the auction house system in Diablo3, let 's grab the last chance to enjoy the awesome system .